Article 13 : Y&T Tour, UK November/December 1983

In 1983, the three-piece, all-girl band Rock Goddess, were expected to be very successful. Signed to A&M records, they had won over their critics by playing sold out shows at The Marquee every month and released two albums to very good reviews in all of the music publications. The year had started with a tour of the UK supporting Def Leppard followed by ones with Fastway and Iron Maiden, the recording of their second album and then back on tour with Def Leppard again for six weeks through Europe after which, with a two day break, go straight onto what was advertised as the ‘Double Damage’ tour of the UK with fellow label mates, Y&T. I was with them pretty much twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week through all this and it was a damn good ride.

Y&Tのイギリスツアー 1983年11月~12月

01 Rock Goddess publicity photo 1983. Tracey left the band in April of that year, the new bass player being Dee O’Malley.

At that level, there is no such thing as a tour that runs smoothly and the aforementioned Double Damage tour was no exception as the first show was cancelled due to either other commitments from Y&T or a failure in their travel arrangements (memory does not serve me well here and I apologise) and thus the tour started in Cardiff, Wales rather than Hanley, England. For this and the previous tour, the girls travelled in a tour bus whilst I went with the equipment in a van driven by a delightfully mad Irishman named Del Fitzpatrick*, accompanied by our other roadie, Gaz.† We arrived at St David’s Hall at around 2pm on show day and walked into a very empty venue. Y&T were nowhere to be seen, there were no stage crew, no P.A. or lighting guys and the Production Office was locked. Fearing the worst, I started to make calls from a backstage payphone to no avail but message eventually reached us that Y&T were running late and were expected around 5pm - the crew were all in the pub across the road from the hall. Showtime was scheduled for 7:30pm so the logical option was for us to set-up and soundcheck, leave the equipment onstage and then Y&T could set up their equipment behind Rock Goddess’s when they finally arrived. The girls arrived around 4pm, I explained the situation, we sound-checked and waited.

このレコード会社においては、ツアーが何の問題もなく実施されることは稀で、前述のダブル・ダメージツアーもその例外ではなかった。最初のコンサートはY&Tが移動スケジュールをミスったか何かの事情でキャンセルされた(申し訳ないが、この理由をよく憶えていない) 。ツアーはイングランド州のハンリーではなく、ウェールズ州のカーディフから始まることになった。そのため彼女らは前ツアーからツアーバスで移動しており、私は愉快なアイルランド人、デル・フィッツパトリック*が運転するヴァンに機材を積み込んで同行した。ここにはもう一人、ローディーのガズ†も同行していた。コンサート当日、午後2時頃に会場となるセント・デヴィッズ・ホールに到着した。客入れ前の会場に入って行くと、Y&Tはおろか彼らのクルーもいない、P.A.や照明のスタッフもいないという状況だった。会場の事務所も閉まっていた。最悪の事態を恐れた私は楽屋から有料電話で連絡を入れたのだが、繋がらず。しかしそれからメッセージが届いた。Y&Tが遅れており、午後5時頃には到着するだろうとのことだった。クルーは全員ホールの向かいにあるパブに繰り出していた。コンサートは午後7時30分開演の予定で、我々のステージ設営とサウンドチェックを実施し、Y&Tのステージ設営にスムーズに移行するために我々の機材を撤収するタイムリミットは、彼らが到着する時刻がギリギリというところだった。ロックゴッデスは午後4時に到着し、私は彼女らに状況を説明した。サウンドチェックを済ませ、彼らを待った。

And waited.


It was close to 6:30pm when the roller-doors flew open and a dozen burley roadies started throwing a truck full of flight cases onstage as quickly as they could. Introductions were kept to a friendly ‘Hello’ as a flurry of cables were patched, guitars warmed and tuned, drums clattered around the stage and gung-ho Americans barked orders at no one in particular. I stood back and watched this whirlwind of chaos and briefly caught a glimpse of Joey Alves and Dave Meniketti looking rather tired whilst someone I assumed to be their tour manager tried to reassure them that they would be a show that night and all would be well. Dave rolled his eyes as if he’d heard the same reassurances several times over the last thirty-six hours or so; Joey appeared to fall asleep standing up at one point.


Checking my watch, I wandered back to the girl’s dressing room which for thirty minutes before showtime was always out of bounds while they changed into their stage gear. As I entered, I was hit with a barrage of questions about the band which I couldn’t answer but I did tell them rather meekly that Y&T’s equipment made theirs look rather small. There was a silence in the room that was unnerving and then someone asked ‘How small?’ ‘Well’ I said, ‘You have two Marshall cabs onstage, they have eighteen.’ This was not what they had expected. Advertised as a double headline tour, they were now in a position where they had been effectively by sheer size of Y&T’s backline, relegated to support slot. John Turner, their manager quickly disappeared out the dressing room to have a look followed close behind by me. Nothing we could do now except get the girls onstage, get the show over and done with and talk to the people responsible tomorrow. That and the fact that I didn’t want to be in a room with three angry women made me run like hell (having experienced the wrath of all three at once before, it was not something I wanted to see again).


02 Sounds newspaper advert for the Double Damage tour. Note the equal billing.

Back on the stage with five minutes to go, I did the final amp and equipment checks, tuned the guitars and had a cigarette. Leonard Haze and his drum tech were still frantically changing drum heads and setting up his kit as the girls intro music started, the houselights went down and they strode out to a sold out audience who went barmy in unison as the first notes of their signature song, Satisfied Then Crucified cut through the air. Either fuelled by anger or their desire to not be seen to be second on the bill, Goddess played a blinding gig that night and as I stripped their equipment off the stage I noticed that Dave Meniketti’s tech was tuning up his guitars and seemingly quite relaxed. I nodded to him and he nodded back acknowledging that everything was ok.

5分でステージに戻った。最後の機材チェックのためだ。ギターのチューニングを行い、煙草に火を点けた。ロックゴッデスのイントロテーマが流れても、レナード・ヘイズと彼のドラムテックがまだ必死でドラムのスキンを交換してキットのセッティングを続けていた。客電が落ち、彼女らの名刺代わりの1曲「Satisfied Then Crucified」の最初の一音が奏でられると、ようやく彼ら二人は超満員のオーディエンスの中に消えていった。彼女らは怒りの感情からか、あるいはサポート扱いに見られたくないという思いからか、まばゆいばかりのステージを披露した。私が彼女らの機材を撤収していると、デイヴ・マニケッティのテックがギターを余裕たっぷりにチューニングしているのを見かけた。彼に頷きかけると、彼も順調だ、と言わんばかりの頷きを返してきた。

We finished loading the truck just in time to see Y&T walk onstage and start their opening number, Take You To The Limit. They were hot. Even after thirty-six hours of travelling and delays, they still gave a performance that brought the house down. The girls and I watched in awe as they ripped through a set of great songs topped by Dave’s searing vocal and applauded just as enthusiastically as the audience after every number. After their final number, they walked rather weakly offstage, straight onto their tour bus and disappeared into the night towards their hotel and a soft comfortable bed. Tonight would not be a ‘nice to meet you’ night.

我々はY&Tがステージに上がるのに間に合わせて機材の撤収を終えた。彼らのオープニングナンバー「Take You To The Limit」が始まった。彼らも熱かった。36時間に及ぶ移動と到着の遅れにもかかわらず、会場を揺るがすほどのパフォーマンスを見せてくれたのだった。ロックゴッデスと私はデイヴの熱いボーカルにリードされて披露される名曲の数々に驚嘆しながらステージを観ていた。そして曲が終わるたびに熱狂的な喝采を送るオーディエンスにも感心した。最後の曲が終わると、彼らは静かにステージを降り、そのままツアーバスへと向かい、今宵のホテルへと直行した。快適な眠りを誘うベッドが待っていることだろう。今宵は、「まだ彼らには追いつけない」夜だった。

03 My Triple AAA laminate for the tour.

Over the next two weeks, we played thirteen shows across the UK and every night, Y&T were perfect. Leonard taught me the correct way to change drum heads and tune a drum kit; Joey & Phil Kennemore introduced me to a variety of drinks that I had never heard of and wished I had never tried the following day whilst Dave, ever the professional, kept order amongst the troops, socialised and handled management affairs. I admired them greatly. This tour also marked my return to Leicester for the first time in two years and I invited my mum, dad and sister down to the De Montfort Hall in the afternoon. I think it was the first time they fully understood what I was doing and it was a nice moment for me. Alas when Leonard started thumping the bass drum at the sound check, the volume got a bit too much for them and they left for home; I’d be back in three weeks for Christmas. A few old friends came to the gig and it was nice to see them but two years apart had changed me. I didn’t feel like part of the gang anymore and I invited them back to the hotel for a few drinks post show but nobody came. The only one who I still related to was Melanie, a girl I let slip through my fingers when I left Leicester and wrote to me through those two years and I am very glad to say, is still a friend to this day.


It is the 16th January 2011 and my friend Mats calls me and asks me why I was not at the Y&T gig in Kawasaki the night before. I made some excuse but he said he’d put me on the guest list for that evening. I went along not really knowing what to expect as the only band member remaining from those days was Dave. Leonard and Joey had departed the band years before and rather awfully, Phil had died just a few days before they were due to come to Japan. I stood in the audience at Club Citta, watching them and then closed my eyes and for just one moment, I was back in 1983. After the show I went backstage and said hello to all and reminded Dave of the Rock Goddess tour. No doubt our memories differed somewhat of those two weeks in 1983 but his warmth and kindness that I remember of him offstage from then hadn’t changed. Now almost a decade after that, we have also lost both Leonard and Joey but the spirit of Y&T lives on with Dave and I shall be there the next time they open fire and hit the stage in Japan.


04 Dave and Jody backstage in 2017 -Image courtesy of Twitter: Dave Meniketti@DaveMeniketti
2017年、楽屋でのデイヴとジョディ。デイヴのツイッター、Dave Meniketti@DaveMenikettiより。

*I last saw Del when I was in Europe with Asia in1989 and he was still as delightfully mad.

†Gaz simply disappeared. He never showed for a gig we were doing at the Marquee one day and we never heard from him again.

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